The Doorbell Dilemma

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Sometimes in my infinite wisdom I make choices that absolutely backfire on me.  Case and point:  the doorbell dilemma – a situation that literally occurred on my porch. You see, we do not have a doorbell installed at our front door.  Now I didn’t think too much...

The “S” Word

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Every once in a while, I am brutally reminded that I was raised as an only child.  It often rears its ugly head when a certain word comes up.  This word is much like a foreign language to me, although when I had two children, I was forced to become familiar with it. In...

Blasting Beryl

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher I hope this message finds all of our Fort Bend friends and porch sitters well. Moreover, I’m praying that we all still have porches to sit on! Now the real work begins.  The County has shared this guide for cleaning up storm debris, which has become Fort...

Happy Birthday America!

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Now I am all in for a good summer holiday, especially one that involves fireworks and parties, but I must confess I have questions about the 4th of July. I understand the concept of the holiday – it commemorates the Declaration of Independence ratified by the Second...

Striking Explanations

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Sometimes I have to explain things to Mr. Kaminski – in great detail.  More often than not, it is to achieve compliance in a particular situation, but sometimes it’s simply for perspective. Take the other day for example.  I’ve been battling the bulge since I had...

Bargain Procurement

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher I have acquired a particular pastime, and yes, I am acutely aware that that it may be deemed controversial by some.  Personally, I find it harmless entertainment, but I do understand that other’s opinions may differ. Now of course I engaged Lisa Ann to actually act...

Taking to Your Bed

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Growing up with Mother, Mawmaw, aunts, cousins and the vast assortment of female friends and relations, porch talk often centered around the community, individual members of the community to be more precise.  I can recall many a time when my female matriarchs would talk...

The “C” Word Adventure

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Mr. Kaminski is all in for new adventures these days.  Strange, out of the box, different adventures – not things we would normally do, or for me, care to do – ever.  I sincerely have no idea what has transpired to create this new mindset, but clearly it merits...

The Official Cry of Distress

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher There is one word in the English language that will stop me dead in my tracks.  Doesn’t matter what I am in the middle of doing, when I hear this word, my head will spin around like Linda Blair in The Exorcist.  The speaker of the word has my complete and undivided...

Retail Therapy

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Never underestimate the power of some solid retail therapy.  Of course, said therapy is only most effective when you have an amazing shopping sister and a phenomenal, sassy sales associate to hold your hand – and your champagne as needed.  Let me just say, when it...

Easing Into 25

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher I fear May has become the month of melancholy for me.  For the past nearly 30 years, May has been the hustle and bustle, much like December.  Graduations, school semesters ending, apartment-moving, babies coming home for the summer, end of school year parties, teacher...

Mother’s Day Madness

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher I believe I need a career change.  I got so aggravated the other day, I know exactly what that change should be.  Somebody with some sense and the ability to express sentiments in a meaningful and memorable way needs to join the Hallmark team, because the options when...

Doughnut Danger

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Doughnuts are my jam.  They are my kryptonite as I do not have the strength to resist them, and then, I feel really bad after my indulgence.  That’s likely because I am completely incapable of consuming only one single doughnut.  It’s doughnut danger.  It’s a...

Right or Wrong?

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher The quintessential battle of right versus wrong reigns supreme in my life.  It’s much the same as the good versus evil analogy, with right being good and evil being wrong.  I believe it’s because I tend to be extremely black and white.  There’s not much gray with...

Richmond’s Historic George Ranch Turns 200 Years Old with Year Long Celebration Including The George Ranch 200th Anniversary CPRA Rodeo May 3rd and 4th

The year is 1824.  Texas is not yet Texas.  Texas is part of Mexico and is called Coahuila y Tejas. Stephen Fuller Austin and his colonists, the Original 300, have been settled in Texas for just over a year now.  And two of these settlers, Henry and Nancy Jones, found opportunity in this fertile land...

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