The Fort Bend Boys Choir Presents 35th Anniversary Gala I LOVE the 80s

Tour Choirboys Iean Yates, Gabriel Garza, John Hoelscher, Benjamin Hu, Gabe Cote, David Zhang, Drew Doyle and Julian  Ruiz performing Basil the Cat during their June 2016 summer tour.  Photo by Terri Cannon.

Tour Choirboys Iean Yates, Gabriel Garza, John Hoelscher, Benjamin Hu, Gabe Cote, David Zhang, Drew Doyle and Julian Ruiz performing Basil the Cat during their June 2016 summer tour. Photo by Terri Cannon.

Yo dude! Guests will have an awesomely bodacious time on Saturday, February 4th at 6:30 pm in the Safari Lodge at Safari Texas! How do we know that?  Because, like, the Fort Bend Boys Choir is totally chillin’ for their 35th anniversary! For this gnarly, 1980s flashback-themed gala event, the Tour Choir will perform, and Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls will serve as auctioneer.

Festivities include a delicious buffet meal, a live auction and a silent auction. Every taste and price range will be represented in the auctions, which will include sporting event packages, weekend trips, handmade items and much more!

Signing up as a sponsor would be totally righteous! Opportunities are still available for sponsorships to the gala dinner and auction, including a Platinum Sponsorship that features preferential seating, notable recognition and an exclusive performance by the Tour Choir for a future event subject to availability of course. Who wouldn’t want the Tour Choir to perform at their event? Cowabunga man!

Proceeds will help support all music programs of the Fort Bend Boys Choir, including scholarships for any choirboy who needs financial help. Contact the choir office at 281-240-3800 to learn more about this event.  You can also keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for the latest on this trippendicular event.