Texana Center Receives $10,300 Grant from the Fort Bend Junior Service League

Kimberley Camp, Jen Rizzo, Sarah Kuehl, Tonya Justice, Jamie Harris, Kate Johnson-Patagoc, Sherri Ebarb, Monica Henderson and Heather Brown.

Texana Center was delighted to receive a $10,300 grant for the autism program in Rosenberg. These funds will be used to purchase a shade for a playground structure, which the Fort Bend Junior Service League donated to Texana Center in 2013.

Texana recognizes the importance of fresh air and exercise for a child’s healthy development. However, it is also essential to provide protection from the sun and the risk of burns. Although the playground structure is made from plastic, it can become dangerously hot as it is in direct sunlight. Over the past year the media has reported an increasing number of thermal burn injuries from plastic slides. As part of the proposal to the Fort Bend Junior Service League, Texana staff ran a test to see how hot the equipment got at midday. Using a thermometer, the temperature on the plastic slide was recorded at 176o F without shade and a much cooler  99o F with shade.

Kate Johnson-Patagoc, Texana Director Specialized Services, said, “We are excited that the Fort Bend Junior Service League continues to make grants to our autism program through the proceeds from their Sugar Plum Market. Having a shade structure for this playground equipment will mean it can be used all year round, and not just in the cooler months.  It is not easy keeping children away from the playground in summer because the equipment is too hot to touch.  I would like to thank the Fort Bend Junior Service League for all the work they do to raise and distribute these funds.  We really do appreciate the members and the difference that they are making for children with autism in Fort Bend County.”