Missouri City Wins KaBOOM!

Missouri City’s (MCTX) ongoing commitment to enhancing greenspaces for residents and visitors has received another national award – this time through a KaBOOM! playground grant funded through Blue Cross and Blue Shield  of Texas that will be used to replace the aged children’s recreation area at Roane Park.

The MCTX community unity initiative will involve two components: a “Design Day” and a “Build Day,” and to be successful, the project will require citizen partnerships.

“We’re excited about winning this competitive grant that will allow us to rebuild a vital City playground at no cost to the taxpayers, and we value the partnerships of KaBOOM! and Blue Cross Blue Shield,” said City Manager Anthony J. Snipes. “I’m proud of our Parks & Recreation Department for earning this recognition and look forward to seeing the project come to fruition with the collaboration of our residents.”

Citizen volunteers are needed for both the design and build phases. Build Day will take place at Roane Park.

“The design day will be an awesome opportunity for local youth to draw sketches of their dream playground for staff and parents to share their ideas as well,” said Parks & Recreation Director Jason Mangum. “Then, on build day, we will take those great ideas and develop a unique 25,000-square-foot recreational retreat that can be a destination playground for local families.”

Mangum added that the City needs about “150 volunteers for November 10th build day, and the Blue Cross Blue Shield team will consist of about half of those partners. Everyone will collaborate to put the pieces of the playground together, to spread mulch, to build benches and to raise a shade structure over the playground.” For more information, visit www.missouricitytx.gov.