Missouri City to Host Job Fair and Career Development Forum

In line with City Council and City management initiatives to foster community business development and economic growth, the “Show Me City” will host its Second Annual Job Fair and Career Development Forum on Friday, September 28th from 10 am to 2 pm at the City Centre at Quail Valley, located at 2880 La Quinta Dr.

“Show Me City” business and education partners will be on-site to host career booths and share vital employment and skills training information. Staff will also be on-hand to discuss municipal career opportunities with guests.

“This HPO strategic event will include partnerships with regional businesses, educational organizations and stakeholders to promote community unity by providing networking and career opportunities for those seeking employment in the region,” said Dr. Edward Williams, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development. “Last year’s inaugural event attracted dozens of companies and hundreds of guests, and we’re looking forward to hosting another successful outreach this year.”

Event registration is available on the City website at www.missouricitytx.gov. Employers, employment candidates or vendors can call 281-403-8500 for more information.