Finding Fall

One thousand miles later, Patti Parish-Kaminski finally finds Fall!

It took a minute and over 1,000 miles, but I finally found it – the allusive Fall season.  It really does exist – just not in the Bend at the moment.  Our climate seems to be a battle this year, but I’m hopeful cooler temps will prevail.

Battles and hope seem to be the theme of this month’s issue.  Our cover story about Ashley Dedmon’s journey as a previvor is an amazing tribute to her faith, strength and resilience after finding out she had the BRAC2 gene.  The loss and diagnosis of multiple family members led Ashley to preventive measures, and today, she is living her life to the fullest as a wife, mother, educator and advocate.

Another amazing hope-filled battle is covered in Pete’s Fort Bend Strong column on page 22. He chronicles the Needville Little League as they earned a spot in the 2023 Little League World Series.  These amazing young men also earned a spot in all of Fort Bend’s hearts as they played with grace, sportsmanship and compassion.  Congratulations to these young men and their coaches on a battle well fought!

If Fall does make an appearance this month in our community, we’re ready with several October events along with some great ideas to help celebrate Halloween.  Make the ultimate Char-BOO-terie Board and learn what wine goes with your favorite Halloween treat.  It’s all in this issue filled with Fall fun!

Poet and playwright Oscar Wilde said, “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.”  I will take that “fall,” literally.

Stay focused,