Blood Drive: Why They Are Totally Awesome!

Blood donor Jack Jensen.

By Kelley Sweet Jensen

Like most of us, you have likely never needed a blood transfusion. You may not even know anyone who has needed one. That’s fantastic, congrats!

Seriously, I don’t have a tragic story or a tear-jerker tale for you right now, but I know of thousands who do.  Actually, there is one recent wee happening. A few months ago, the Veteran’s Administration (VA) called my daddy after his checkup the day before. They insisted he go to the hospital right then, not the next day. They said, “Now!” The following 36 hours were a tumult of fear, worry, prayers and hope. Lots of scary “C” words were being thrown around, and we were very concerned. While he was in the hospital, Daddy needed a blood transfusion. For the first time after having donated for 30 years, I knew someone personally who needed the blood another had donated.  “Thank you” to whoever was the giver of that pint. You made a huge difference to my family that day, and that one pint of blood can save my and two other peoples’ daddies!  Yep, three people can be saved from just one pint! Thankfully, it turned out that Daddy’s meds just needed to be adjusted and he was a-okay. Whew!  We got lucky that day, but the fear sure made us hold a little tighter to one another.

If you’ve donated before,  you know it can be a cakewalk. If you haven’t, it can be a super spooky undertaking. I began donating blood when I moved to Los Angeles (LA) in 1992.  A friend talked me into it, and I was extremely nervous! Once the needle was in, I realized it was not as bad as I feared. It was more my own worry making me anxious. (Isn’t it always?) I mean, needles, that can be a freaky thing, right!? I’m glad my friend was there because I likely would have left without her calming presence. Besides, I didn’t want to look stupid so I put on a brave face and pretended like it was no big deal. “Use your vanity for good”  I always say. I was in and out quickly, having eaten a steak the night before and a hearty meal a couple hours before my appointment, my iron and my body were ready to go. It was easy!  They even gave me a snack afterwards.

As a new, struggling artist to LA, free snacks were a plus. Truth be told, I started donating every two months because Cedars Sinai gave you two free movie passes with every donation – score!  Yep, I was a self-serving donator, nothing wrong with that.  Blood drives don’t care why you donate, just that you do. That’s how my journey began. For fun, for a treat, for a quick night out. I figured I would give a little, get a little, ya know!?

And that’s exactly how it will be at our February 13th Blood Drive at The Club at New Territory from 1 to 5 pm. We don’t have movie passes, but each donor will receive a cool donor T-shirt! Yay, cheers to free, cool stuff. Of course, the people I’ve met while donating were usually giving blood for more serious reasons. It is for their stories that I continue to donate and have volunteered to be the Drive Coordinator for New Territory, even without the free goodies.

Did you know your body regenerates the blood you donate within 6 weeks, and the blood you give will be rubbed through 13 different tests? What a great way to keep a baseline knowledge of your own blood health. Come give it a try – just try. If it doesn’t work out, no worries. My friends, the fact that you are willing to show up speaks volumes.

Here I am, gallons of blood and decades later, still donating regularly. I encourage you to become a regular giver of life and second chances, too. That’s what donating is. You are, quite literally, helping others have a fighting chance. It’s hard to believe but there is no synthetic substitute for blood. None. Only blood is blood. If we don’t have blood drives, we won’t have enough blood to care for our community. It’s that simple.

The Blood Center needs 1,000 pints of blood to be donated every day to meet the current need? Every two seconds someone needs a blood transfusion. Holy Moly, right!? That’s a lot. Luckily, it isn’t me, today, or you. So, while I can, I will continue to do my small part to help others. Join me and bring a friend.  Everything is better with a friend….don’t I know it?

Our son, Jack, donated for his first time a week after his 16th birthday. He will be donating for his 3rd time at the event on the 13th with my husband. Our daughter, Chessa, will be helping pass out the snacks and our youngest, well, he will be playing on his video game in the corner, trying to sneak said snacks. Blood Drive’s are a family affair around our house. Proud mama, over here. Ladies, get your girlfriends and make an afternoon of it. Go to lunch, eat a full meal and come donate together. You have to have a full meal, not just a little breakfast before you donate. That’s important to remember. You don’t want to pass out. “Full tummy, stay conscious.” You will have a much better experience if your body doesn’t freak out on you, because you forgot to eat a hearty meal ahead of time. Bring your bestie so you can take a photo in your new matching T-Shirts afterwards.  How fun will that be?

New Territory Blood Drive
Sunday, February 13, 2022  •  1 to 5 pm
The Club at New Territory
1200 Walker School Road
Sugar Land, TX 77479

Contact The Blood Center at to schedule an appointment. You must use – Sponsor Code: S050