August 2016 – Exclamation Points!

Kolton and Kassidi Kaminski: Summer field trip at the Johnson Space Center.

Kolton and Kassidi Kaminski: Summer field trip at the Johnson Space Center.

Heading Back –

It’s August and that means we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief as we get ready to head back – back to school, back to a routine, back to a somewhat more normal schedule. Of course, now that I have a child in college, heading back to school has taken on an entirely new meaning. It’s complicated, definitely more complicated. It’s not simply buying a new backpack, school supplies and new tennis shoes. It’s furniture, packing, securing household items, coordinating with multiple roommates and moving into West campus with 30,000 or so other college students in a 48 hour period. All in all, it’s a full scale military operation.

For those of us who still have children at home, heading back to school is a bit easier, and our Back to School section is here to help. We have several tips on organizing and finding the perfect activities for the school year, as well as the Fort Bend area high school varsity football schedules to help you plan your football Friday nights.

Speaking of planning, August kicks off so many great events in Fort Bend including the Fort Bend County Fair. Their “Stylin’ In The Bend” Dinner and Style Show features the 2016 queen candidates and is the kick off to this year’s festivities. So many of our amazing community organizations kick off with activities with month. I encourage our readers to learn about the multiple organizations who work tirelessly in our community and to become involved. Find an organization that speaks to your heart, and fit them into your routine. You will do some great work, and meet some wonderful friends and neighbors.

When my children were younger, I must admit that I was a stickler for routine. I was the mom who stuck to the schedule: nap time, bed time, snack time – everything was on schedule. I do confess, however, I was always a bit more flexible in the summer. That’s the one thing I will miss the most about this summer with my children: our lack of routine. Having them both home this summer has been a gift. Staying up late at night having the most amazing – and sometimes bizarre – conversations, taking impromptu field trips and just being together hearing about the escapades of their days at their jobs has been a true gift. Jackie Kennedy said, “The only routine with me is no routine at all.” After living a less than routine summer with two teenagers, I get it.

Best of luck to all of our students in the new school year. Stay focused, work hard and finish strong. Next summer – with a more laid back schedule – will be here before we know it!

Stay focused,