Mammograms: A Crucial Pillar in Women’s Health

Breast cancer continues to be one of the most prevalent and potentially life-threatening diseases affecting women worldwide. In this battle against breast cancer, early detection plays an indispensable role, and mammograms emerge as a vital tool in this endeavor. A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of the breast...

Mammogram FAQS: Your Breast Cancer Screening Questions Answered

When life is busy, it’s easy to put everyone else’s needs before your own. But it’s important to make time for yourself — and your annual screening mammogram. If you’re not sure when to start getting mammograms or what to expect, we’re here to help. Sandra Templeton, M.D., board-certified surgeon...

Did You Know? Female Breast Cancer Rates are Decreasing in the United States

Female Breast Cancer Rates are Decreasing in the United States Highlighting key topics in cancer surveillance, this video from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) looks at trends in the United States. Click the video below: Rate of New Cases and Deaths per 100,000 The rate of new cases of female breast...

Called Back For Another Mammogram? Don’t Panic!

You are doing everything right. You always go for your scheduled mammograms. Then, out of nowhere, you get the call. “We found an abnormality on your mammogram. You’ll need to come back for further screening.” You start to sweat, your heart starts racing and you might even feel the need to cry. Slow...

Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that breast cancer is due to a combination of factors and some you have no control over – age, genetics, family history.  But the good news is there are risk factors that you do have control over and changing these factors can help you mitigate your risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer...

Mammogram FAQs: Your Breast Cancer Screening Questions Answered

When life is busy, it’s easy to put everyone else’s needs before your own. But it’s important to make time for yourself — and your annual screening mammogram. If you’re not sure when to start getting mammograms or what to expect, we’re here to help. Sandra Templeton, M.D., board-certified...

Called Back For Another Mammogram? Don’t Panic!

You are doing everything right. You always go for your scheduled mammograms. Then, out of nowhere, you get the call. “We found an abnormality on your mammogram. You’ll need to come back for further screening.” You start to sweat, your heart starts racing and you might even feel the need to cry. Slow...

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Healthy lifestyle choices are linked to a lower risk of some cancers and other health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Although not all the behaviors listed below are linked to a lower risk of breast cancer, they are good for overall health. Everyone should aim to: • Be...

Prioritize Your Health with Comprehensive Breast Care

Many of us spent the past year focused on preventing COVID-19, and although we are still dealing with it, it’s time to re-focus on our total health. Making time for an annual mammogram is an important part of maintaining overall wellness and protecting yourself from breast cancer. One in eight women will...

What to Expect with an Abnormal Mammogram

If you have received an abnormal mammogram, what happens? You can expect some follow-up testing, maybe a spot compression view, which is a type of mammogram where they focus on the area of the breast that they thought looked abnormal, trying to rule out if this is just an area of overlapping tissue on the...

Don’t Delay: Your Mammogram is Too Important to Put Off

When was your last screening mammogram? Has it been more than a year? Mammograms are easy to put off, especially during the pandemic, but sticking to an annual schedule is one of the most important things you can do for your health. The affiliated physicians at Memorial Hermann Health System combine...

Mammograms During COVID-19

Regular health screenings with precautions are a valuable tool to help keep people healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, screenings including annual mammograms have come to a stop since the pandemic began. One study, from the electronic medical records system Epic, found that screening mammograms...

Breast Cancer and Heart Disease

Breast cancer affects 2.1 million people every year, and while early detection and screenings are beneficial in reducing this statistic, patients often fail to appreciate the importance of cardiovascular health in breast cancer prevention. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a sedentary...

Did you know . . . Smoking and  Breast Cancer

Smoking and  Breast Cancer Smoking causes a number of diseases and is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer in younger, premenopausal women. Research also has shown that there may be link between very heavy second-hand smoke exposure and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Smoking also can...

Improved Breast Awareness Through Wellness Education: The Lymphatic Drainage System

The most underrated purifying system in the human body is the lymphatic system, an integral part of the immune system. It is a person’s “Life Flow System.” This system and all of its capillaries are a major part of the body’s cleansing of excess toxic waste. The body contains three quarts of blood...

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