Two MVP’s on the ballot: Trever Nehls for Fort Bend County Judge and The Honorable Troy Nehls, TX Congressional District 22.
By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher
At any given time, I am very well aware of the fact that I am not the smartest person in the room nor do I pretend to be. Honestly, I have days when I don’t know if I’m washing or hanging out because situations, circumstances and all varied implications are in such a constant state of change, it’s hard for a girl to keep up. And I have days when I flat out don’t even try.
But on February 14th, I did try. After all, it was Valentine’s Day. I was donned in red from head to toe, and I had expectations. The day started off amazing with a stunning three-foot-tall floral arrangement with at least three dozen roses, birds of paradise and other assorted floral and fauna that I seriously doubt grow in Texas. It’s times just like this I often wonder who loves me more – Mr. Kaminski or Lucas Chavez. Of course, there’s also the inquisition of who’s done something I’m not necessarily going to like and who’s covering for who. That one is a much easier mystery to solve.
This lovely Valentine’s was a carpe diem type day, and since it was the first day of early voting for the primary, I was locked and loaded ready to do my civic duty. You see, I knew there had been some changes in my representation due to this incredibly confusing redistricting situation in Fort Bend. I literally went to bed one night living in one county precinct with a commissioner I didn’t vote for, but at least I had the opportunity to vote for the other fellow on the ballot. My candidate didn’t win, but I had the choice to vote for who I believed would best represent me. I can accept that – that’s how democracy works. I woke up the next morning – same house, same bed, same husband – to discover I now lived in another county precinct represented by a commissioner I neither voted for nor against. Now how does that work in America – not to mention Texas?
I had the privilege of attending a Sugar Land Rotary meeting where Chris Elam shared his Fort Bend County 2022 Redistricting presentation – great information with maps showing all redistricting. Visit
It’s fair to say this redistricting situation left me dazed, confused and fired up. And it’s not just our county precincts – it’s our congressional districts, our state house and senate districts – virtually all of our county has been redrawn. I have reviewed numerous maps, employed magnifying glasses, used slide rules, cursed and called numerous individuals trying to figure out where I now live – and I haven’t moved a thing. It took an Aggie to explain it to me, and though it chokes me a bit to say so, Chris Elam did a real fine job. Go to his website It’s downright illuminating.
There’s always so “much ado about nothing” to quote Shakespeare when it comes to our national elections, but frankly, it’s our local elections that have always concerned me the most – even more so now. In my lifetime, I have been in the same space with two sitting presidents – not even close enough to have a conversation. But our local elected officials? That’s another story. We can put our hands on them if we need to when we have a problem, and you know what? They typically respond. Remember that the next time you need paperwork from the county clerk’s office or a building permit or even support for a vital community organization. These people on the ballot now and in November? They’re the ones who make a difference every day in our community, and now more than ever with the extreme changes in our districts and precincts, your vote counts. Early voting ends Friday and Primary Election Day is March 1st. Because remember as a constituent, you can’t win, if you don’t play – and that means vote.
See y’all next week – on the porch!
Patti Parish-Kaminski
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