Together We’ll Set A Trail Service World Record on National Trails Day®

Each year people all across the country set out on trails in celebration of American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day®. Together, we’ll give back to the places we love and set the world record for the most people improving trails in a single day for National Trails Day® on Saturday, June 1st.

To join in on the world record, Cullinan Park Conservancy will host a litter cleanup event on June 1st at 8 am to improve Cullinan Park.

Guests will pack out trash at Cullinan Park as they walk the trails. Take the National Trails Day® pledge and join us as we leave Cullinan Park better than we found it during #NationalTrailsDay. To learn more about National Trails Day visit

Email to sign up to help clean up litter at the Park or for questions about the event. RSVP’s for this event will be limited, so first come first serve and registration is required.