Time Marches On

Me spending some porch time with Jose Cuervo. Turns out he is not a friend of mine.

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher

I have a love/hate relationship with time. I expect many of us do. In today’s world, time is one of the most valuable assets we have, and it’s one that I personally share quite selectively. I cherish time because it’s the one thing I simply never have enough of, and it seems to pass at lightning speed. You see, a week ago I gave birth to my baby girl, and today, she is 291 months old. Now she still sits in my lap, but my legs go numb after a few minutes because she is taller than I am. How did that happen? Time. And that’s just not okay.

Time can be your greatest joy when used wisely. Time spent with family, friends and frankly, time spent just being and enjoying some peace. Yes, time is an amazing gift, but it’s a slippery slope.

For example, time is marching across my face like General Sherman through Georgia. Fortunately, Tim Kaminski doesn’t notice – or at least he’s smart enough to say he doesn’t. Of course, Mr. Kaminski’s eyesight is failing. We can’t even drive past a Dollar Tree without him running in and getting a “back up” pair of readers. I just don’t have the heart to tell him he can’t see going forward much less backing up. The foe in his failing eyesight? Time.

Perhaps time’s biggest ally is gravity. They are truly a pair and work hand in hand. I don’t care how much Lycra or lifting mechanisms are in your undergarments, Team Time and Gravity are a formidable foe. And yes, I’ve seriously considered going head-to-head in a match with this dastardly duo and getting something done about the girls creeping south of the Rio Grande, but can you imagine even getting an estimate on that prospect? I’m afraid Mr. Kaminski doesn’t have that kind of crazy money. And how much valuable time would that undertaking eat up?

No matter how we plan or what happens in our world, one thing remains the same: time truly does march on. We can go with it or be left behind. I’m choosing to get in front of it and see if it can catch up with me. Not that I’ll be running because that will give Team Time and Gravity an even greater advantage – and I’m not about helping them out one bit.

See y’all next week on the porch – time permitting, of course.