Saving the Kaminski Family Christmas: One Little Blue Box at a Time

Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Sugar Land style at the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s Jingle Tree.

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher

There’s a reason the word “time” is a four-letter word. The extreme speed at which it passes can be rather unpleasant – startling even – much like many other four-letter words. I’m not spelling them out; you get my drift.

Time can wreak havoc on your face and body much like another four-letter word I know: “aged.” It can “slip” away literally through your fingers and “burn” up days of your existence many times without much to show for it. Then there’s the whole “springing forward” and “falling back” of Daylight Savings Time. Don’t even get me started on that. I neither spring nor “fall” – another four-letter word – well at all.

It seems like I just looked up, and it was November with the holidays imminent. I must confess, I was shook. Where did the entire year go? Didn’t we just ring in 2021? The thought of the holiday season already had me in a state, and it wasn’t a good one. I was truly in a Grinchy state of mind just thinking about preparing for the holidays – already.

And then, it happened. I saw it. I was drawn to it like a beacon of light across the sea. Like an oasis across the desert. The most amazing expression of Christmas cheer I had ever seen – the place where my complete and total Christmas spirit sparkled.

I found my spirit sparkle for the holiday season at the Houston Museum of Natural Science – Sugar Land at their annual Jingle Tree event. Now I have been to this event many times before. I have decorated and donated numerous trees for this auspicious occasion but never, ever have I found my personal Christmas spirit animal there until now.

There it was in all its sparkly glory – a 5’ Christmas tree decorated from top to bottom with precious signature swag from my favorite place on the planet: Tiffany’s. And yes, the entire tree was the signature blue color. I nearly fainted. Much like the scene when the Grinch’s heart grew and grew and grew when Christmas morning arrived, my holiday ho hums were immediately doused by the dazzling tribute to every girl’s dream store. It brought a tear to my eye knowing that somebody somewhere finally got me. I immediately looked to see who created this treasure that spoke so clearly to the very essence of my being, and, of course, it was indeed someone equally as fabulous as the display and someone I knew.

All I can say is “Thank you Jessica Williams for saving the Kaminski family Christmas.” It was going to be a tough year, and frankly still might be, if Mr. Kaminski doesn’t continue the Tiffany theme with a little blue box under our tree this year. As for the Tiffany tree at the museum, I’m taking my pillow and blanket to sleep under it because it is truly my holiday happy place. I’ll let you know if museum security kicks me out.

See y’all next week – on the porch!

Patti Parish-Kaminski

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