Princess peeps are the best. I can relate.
By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher
I love peeps. It’s a serious love affair. I can hardly wait for Easter to roll around for the shelves to stock up with the brightly colored, marshmallow, sugar-coated concoctions of my youth. You see, they don’t freeze well, so it’s truly a seasonal one and done. I’ve tried. Frozen peeps are the ultimate yuck factor.
When I was little, Mawmaw always made a coconut Easter cake that I would adorn with green coconut as the nest, jelly beans as the eggs and peeps as the chicks. It was a colorful if not very creative décor, and naturally, I would eat most of the peeps during the cake-decorating process.
This year Mr. Kaminski bought me the ultimate peep; it’s a peep princess. I kid you not. I absolutely would not jest about a matter as serious and life-altering as such. It’s a stuffed pink bunny peep princess complete with rhinestone tiara, and I love it more than my sofa. And I really, really love my sofa. She reigns supreme at the top of my Tiffany Christmas tree; ergo, making it a Tiffany Easter tree, as it’s a well-known fact that Tiffany transcends all holidays. Look it up.
Mr. Kaminski and my babies don’t care for the fluffy fabs as I do, which works out well for me. As the primary purchaser in our home of Easter-related paraphernalia, I tend to load up on all things peep. Just this week I bought peep pops, a clever invention of four peeps on a stick, much like a lollipop. That works out great because you don’t have to actually touch them and risk the entire sticky finger situation. It’s downright genius. I’m sure they were on Shark Tank. Naturally being the generous woman that I am, I purchased them for everyone, meaning, of course, more for me.
Now being greedy during the season when we celebrate the resurrection of Christ – the actual Super Bowl of Christianity – got the best of me, and y’all know I bought the appropriate accoutrements to make Easter baskets for my twenty-something year-old babies. I was raised in the south; guilt works on me. So, I scoured the store aisles and bought everything I could possibly hide in plastic eggs for my age-appropriate Easter baskets: fast food gift cards, tiny little bottles of hooch, Starbucks gift cards, hair accessories, assorted candy and the only thing college kids really want – cold, hard cash. Since they are in their twenties, they likely won’t know what to do with the cash. If it isn’t plastic, and they can’t swipe it, they don’t understand that it’s legal tender.
Maybe I’ll just keep the cash, head the store Monday and buy all of the left-over discounted peeps. That should hold me through May since I’m already out of Thin Mints, and every Girl Scout I have contacted is already sold out. This seasonal sweet thing is super stressful on your girl.
I wish all of my precious peeps a most blessed Easter, and a year full of love, hugs and sweet, sweet blessings. Happy Easter! See y’all next week – on the porch!
Patti Parish-Kaminski
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