The Gala Lollipop Guild: Giulia Hattan, Cheryl White, Cindy Cheng, Liz Furman, Terri Wang, Jamie Fairchild, Robin Gill, Renu Narang, Carol Scott, Fran Steele, Shirley Lee, Shefali Jhaveri, Lina Sabouni, Jessica Kij, Carrie Diaz, Wen Wing, Syndee Howgate, Pam Hubenak, Jenni Leonetti, Brenna Cosby, Nappinnai Natarajan, Lisa Kulhanek, Becky Walker, Mary Favre, Kay James, Diana Miller, Sapana Patel, Sonal Bhuchar, Sue Chiang, Lynn Halford, Peggy Jackson, Seeju Dupre, Stacy Bynes, Carol Evans, Noreen Covey and Shirley Brown.
The Fort Bend Education Foundation’s 24th Annual Gala is set for March 4th, 2017 at the Sugar Land Marriott Town Square. Gala co-chairs Giulia Hattan and Lisa Kulhanek are thrilled with this year’s theme, “Off to Oz . . .
The Emerald City Awaits!” presented by Perdue Brandon Collins & Mott, L.L.P. Remember and relive those bewitching, beguiling and magical moments on the road to Oz as attendees celebrate the success of the Fort Bend Education Foundation and thank the community for its generous support.
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Let the evening begin with a wave of the Good Witch’s wand. After enjoying a marvelous meal, click your heels together and dance the night away to the music of Password. Then, use your brains, be courageous and have a heart as you bid generously on the silent auction items or go for the live auction items offered by Commissioner James Patterson. Feel the joy, feel the rapture knowing you have contributed to yet another successful Fort Bend Education Foundation Gala!
The Fort Bend Education Foundation touches every school in Fort Bend ISD. Its mission is to enrich and enhance the quality of education for all Fort Bend ISD students through its grants to teachers and school programs.
Planning is now in progress. Information regarding sponsorships, auction donations and individual tickets is available at