Kolton, Patti and Kassidi Kaminski thankful for the time spent with family, especially at a University of Texas football game – hook ‘em!
Giving Thanks is Perpetual –
I truly believe that Thanksgiving is a state of mind. Of course, I am excited when that very special time of year comes around each November, but I strive to have the mindset of thankfulness every day. Poet Henry David Thoreau said it best: “I am grateful for what I am and have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual.”
As I reflect on what so many of our friends and neighbors have gone through over the past year, I am thankful. So many were impacted by Hurricane Harvey, and together, we persevered helping one another and being ever so thankful for the blessings received. Fort Bend is an amazing place to call home, full of individuals who give not only during a crisis, but throughout the year as well. In this issue, we share with you some of these amazing individuals who make every day Thanksgiving in the Bend.
We share with you the Covarrubias family. They have instilled both a work ethic, along with having a servant’s heart, in their four children who earn money and give away at least 10 percent of their earnings to those in need.
We share with you Guadalupe Hernandez who served our country as a Marine and now serves her community lifting up our fallen heroes and those struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
We share with you Alisa Murray’s initiative to help two- to five-year-old child-ren born into poverty during the holiday season – just one of her Art and Medicine philanthrophy projects.
We share with you the amazing women of the Fort Bend Junior Service League and their annual Sugar Plum Market November 2nd and 3rd. Through this event, these ladies contribute to several non-profits. In 2017, the Sugar Plum Market raised over $280,000 and benefitted 24 charitable organizations in Fort Bend.
We share with you Susan DeBakey and the team at Loggins Jewelers. Their Angels for Alzheimer’s Scholarships are awarded to five Fort Bend students each year wishing to study medicine – their contribution to helping find a cure for Alzheimer’s.
Like Thoreau, all of these amazing community servants believe that Thanksgiving is perpetual. At absolutely! focus media, we strive for a perpetual thankfulness, which really isn’t that difficult considering we have the most amazing advertisers, readers and team. We are thankful for you, and we wish you and your family a state of perpetual Thanksgiving.
Stay focused,