Shree Mohan
By Joan Frances –
As a graduated senior from Dulles High School, Shree Mohan is looking forward to integrating his last four years of education to the next step of his exciting future. His leadership skills and academic accomplishments have prepared him and will guide him to a greater understanding of the world around him.
Mohan excelled at the Math & Science Academy at Dulles, where he took Advanced Placement classes throughout his high school career. He was a member of Mu Alpha Theta, president of the Science National Honor Society and co-president of SciNOW. He was co-captain of the Science Bowl and vice-president of the Computer Science Club. He has earned numerous awards and honors in USA Biology, Math and Computing Olympiad and was a Science Bowl National Finalist. He was also an intern for Bioinformatics Research at the University of Houston.
His favorite teacher was Dr. Drew Poche. He explained, “When Dr. Poche taught, every class was incredibly informative and enjoyable as well. For instance, in organic chemistry, Dr. Poche taught in an unhindered way, rather than sticking to the limited topics in the textbook chapter. He was able to branch out to interesting derivatives of the unit we were learning. Dr. Poche’s effortless teaching style was irreplaceable and it allowed me to leave the class with a much more thorough and practical understanding of the topic than could have been gleaned from just a cursory read of the textbook.
Mohan is a highly respected leader. “As president of the SciNOW club, I lead an effort to give back to elementary school students by teaching hands-on science to children after school. We also host an annual science bowl competition for the kids to participate in. I am largely a product of the great influences older students have exerted upon me, thus, being able to give back to the community by teaching younger peers feels prophetic in its cyclical nature.”
Shree Mohan.
Photo by the US National Biology Olympiad Center for Excellence in Education.
In his life, Mohan values creativity and strives to live by it on a daily basis. “In officer meetings for our Science National Honor Society, I always promoted the proposition of novel ideas for our club. Whether coming from me or my peers, these ideas never failed to diversify the way in which we approach conducting our Honor Society. Ultimately, this has greatly enhanced our club as a whole this year.”
In addition to his successful academic endeavors, since he was 10 years old, Mohan has played the piano. Last year, he qualified for the Texas State competition. He was also actively involved in theater arts where he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for A Little Princess. He is proficient at web and app development, programming and machine learning.
His high school experience has been extremely gratifying. “I will treasure most the strong friendships I have built throughout the years. Every high school experience is a roller-coaster ride with its thrilling highs and its anxiety-provoking lows, but my friends were integral to both helping me battle through the tough times and helping me rejoice in the happier moments. My friends have meant the world to me and despite where our future studies may take us, I know that we will remain intricately bound by the memories we’ve created together.”
In the fall, Mohan will attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will major in some combination of Biology and Computer Science. Congratulations Shree Mohan for your generous nature and drive to continue growing educationally. We look forward to watching you make your mark in this world in your future.