Serdjan Rolovic
By Joan Frances –
As a senior at Dulles High School, Serdjan Rolovic has achieved academic excellence throughout his high school career. His resume is impressive, and he has accomplished difficult goals to challenge his mental abilities and talents. With his exciting future just around the corner, Serdjan is destined for unprecedented success.
Serdjan’s academic achievements are notable. He is the Class of 2017 Valedictorian, a National Merit Finalist and a National Advanced Placement (AP) Scholar. His AP testing profile is admirable, excelling in all of his AP classes including Calculus, Chemistry, English Language and Composition, Physics and U.S. History. He was awarded the University Interscholastic League Academic Excellence Award for Fort Bend ISD every year for earning all A’s or a 4.7 grade point average.
Serdjan’s favorite teacher was his Pre-AP English teacher John Day. He recalled, “Dr. Day served as an excellent teacher as he helped me master numerous invaluable skills in writing and never backed away from critiquing my work when it needed improvement.” Serdjan endeavors to be level-headed in his knowledge and accomplishments. “Every day, I respect those around me and try to keep my own ego from being inflated by compliments or my personal accomplishments.”
In addition to his academic triumphs, Serdjan is a member of the varsity debate team and is the Lincoln-Douglas Debate team captain. For the past two years, through the Texas Forensics Association, he qualified for state competition in the Lincoln-Douglas Debate. “Leading as a captain has given me the opportunity to introduce incoming members to the enjoyable but sometimes complicated activity of debate. When I began as a novice, the individuals who taught me introductory debate concepts served a major role in piquing my interest in the activity, and helping others in the same manner allows me to do my part in growing debate as an educational hobby.” For the past two years, he was a Texas state qualifier in the Science Olympiad and serves as treasurer.
One thing Serdjan appreciates the most about his high school experience is “all of the friends I have met during my four years at Dulles and the many opportunities we had to hang out after school and collaborate on academic activities outside of the classroom.”
Last summer, Serdjan was awarded the opportunity to participate at the NIH/NIDDK (National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disorders) STEP-UP internship at the UT Health School of Biomedical Informatics. He performed computational micro analytics regarding the functional genes involved in Type 2 diabetes and possible pharmacological solutions to the disease. He was granted an all-expense paid trip to present findings at the National Institute of Health Research Symposium in Bethesda, Maryland, along with a research stipend of $2,000.
Serdjan has been engaged in the Dulles High School Mentor Program where he counseled freshmen and sophomores who were struggling with time management, curriculum content or social issues throughout the school year. He volunteered at the Moran Ecoteen Program at the Houston Museum of Natural Science as a summer camp assistant and museum docent. Serdjan also spent the past three seasons as a volunteer with Houze Elite AAU basketball non-profit program, video-recording weekend tournaments, editing video and compiling statistics on player performance. He is proficient in Java and Python programming, video editing and speaks Spanish at an advanced level.
In the fall, Serdjan will attend the University of Texas at Austin and major in computer science. Congratulations on your extensive achievements, recognitions and awards Serdjan. Good luck as we continue to watch you excel and find your place in society.