By Alisa Murray
Nationally recognized
portrait artist and award-
winning columnist.
Do you remember looking at the syllabus at the beginning of the year and wondering how you would learn it all? I do. I also remember while in college looking over all of the different sections of classes and wishing that I could just stay and learn it all. Then while in art school, I came across the ultimate Renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci, and I thought what a cool dude he must have been! I wanted to learn and learn about everything.
I did a pretty good job of capturing and absorbing as much as I could while in college. The credits not transferring from North Carolina and Georgia made it super easy to just keep going and delving into languages and other subjects I found interesting. While others were interested in just getting out, I was interested in what else I could find out more about. Women’s studies fascinated me as did Geology, Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. I took classes in Latin, French, Spanish and German! I took classes in Architecture and Historic Preservation and drawing and nude painting. I took as much as Daddy would let me to the tune of over 320 credits! I told you I loved learning! When I was at St. Mary’s, the ladies would say, “Now, you’ll need this Shakespeare class and that design one so you can talk properly as an educated person at dinner parties.” Their priorities and expectations for us were mixed back then, but I loved it all.
Then came shooting portraits, and as many of you know, I was studying pre-law thinking at some point I would go back and get that degree and prosecute the ugly I did not like in society. Basically, try to make a difference. The shooting led to many clients, and as I became successful, it was without question not feasible to go back to law school. If I ever mentioned my long-ago intention, all of my friends would say, “You would have been a great lawyer – even judge – but the world needs you to be their photographer!” So, I created other ways to give back – to make a difference with my art.
I can proudly say that I have been shooting this year now for 20 years, and the time has flown by! I have captured babies ever since they were in utero straight through to their graduation from high school and on into their adult lives. It has been such a joy and a privilege to care for and become “Auntie A” to so many children. It’s a feeling that Santa Claus must also have. That desire to keep learning, however, has never left. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have enough life to learn everything that I want to, need to or must do!
Along came the MasterClasses last year, and I gave myself James Patterson and Steve Martin. Secretly, I think I’d be a great stand-up comedienne, a third chapter for myself so to speak. One day I’ll give myself the chance to make that happen. In the meantime, I have been learning from these experts about their craft from their experiences, and it’s wonderful – wonderful because I can learn anytime and anywhere from my computer. A whole new world just opened up recently at the MasterClass! Instead of paying for one class or two, you can have access to them all for a year for a special price. As a current student, they give us a year gratis! I am so excited because it has Anne Leibowitz and Helen Mirren amongst so many great artists. If you’re like me at all and have a love for learning, it is the perfect place to start working towards honing your skills on subjects like cooking, acting, writing and so many more. I know I feel like I am back in school each time I watch a lecture, and it is so much fun!
Take Care of YOU!
Do you have a subject that you have always wanted to learn about? Do you think like me that there’s so much to learn and so little time? Email me at