Hey sweet lifers! If you’ve been paying any attention to my feeds, blogs or channel episodes, you might have noticed a shift in both my focus but also my purpose. What is one of the most beautiful aspects of being a human being is our ability to manifest change. It is in fact a tremendous part of growing into the fullest parts of ourselves and important to always be changing and learning and creating. “When we stop learning, we might as well be dying,” – wise words from my sweet Nana!
Learning and growing and then allowing that to manifest itself into a transformation is at the top of my mind, and I want it to be at yours, too. For me, I have done some deep soul searching and discovered I have a lot of gifts that I have not tapped as fully as I know I am called to do. Some have been slapping me in the face for years, while others have quietly and patiently waited to reveal themselves and take their turn in my ever spinning sweet little life.
One of those is gardening, and you’ll find all sorts of tips for honing in your own green thumbs, right here in Fort Bend Focus! Each year I find that through experimentation and careful study, I learn more and in doing so grow more too! It has been a great joy to provide food from my yard to my table, and it’s no joke it’s much healthier and cost efficient. It also provides a sanctuary for the mind, and in these times, we all need to have that!
Once upon a time, I got a BS in Psychology and have tapped into that certainly with my parenting but also through my studio work. Over the years giving advise to my friends and family but really barely scratching the surface of what I could do to help others. Recently, with all the conversations that I have had the opportunity to tape for my channel, I saw a need for so many to just talk about “stuff.” Oftentimes about their lack of passion for what they were doing and for some a desire to start something brand new. I prayed about how I could help them, and on Pentecostal Sunday morning, I clearly heard a voice that said, “You are to help people find their gifts and share and change the world.” I leapt from my bed and wrote this down and later discussed it with my priest, Father Andrew, in our series “Sweet Life in Christ.” He and I talk a lot about the Holy Spirit and how if we listen and look, He is ever present guiding us. We also talk a lot about how sometimes God plants little seeds throughout our lives that when pulled all together make sense.
I have followed my passion my entire life and lived quite literally a sweet one. From my own relationship with God, I know that everyone has a special set of gifts that if tapped into and shared can change the world and lead to “living a sweet life!” God has given me so many gifts to share. He gave me the ability to create businesses that are successful. To use my talents to better our community, and when I reflected on all the things that I have done and still have left to do, it became imminently obvious to me that all along I have been called to coach and mentor folks. After hearing The Voice specifically telling me what to do, I did as we all do: question it. I asked, “how?” My question was answered with “why not you?” I have already showed you how to create businesses using your talents. I have already given you the ability to capture both people and products for promotion. I have already showed you how to market and package and you have a positive inspirational effect on people. You are ready for this! It was, as I say a “God Wink.” This back and forth conversation also revealed me that in every part of my life, He has been setting the stage for me to blossom into a source to guide and inspire others to live their own sweet lives, too! I’m so grateful for that opportunity too!
Take care of you, and of course, “Stay sweet!”