Lazy Days of Summertime

By Alisa Murray Nationally recognized portrait artist and award-winning columnist.

By Alisa Murray Nationally recognized portrait artist and award-winning columnist.

Living the Sweet Life:

July is possibly the laziest month of the entire year, and for great reason. It’s the only month that none of us has to really do anything – except of course work. Children are out for the summer, and unlike June, where it’s a scramble to finish strong with their classes or August where we are gathering new school supplies and checking to see how many inches they grew out of their clothes over the summer, July seems just perfect for family time.

July is my favorite time to have family cookouts and invite friends over for an impromptu gathering. It’s well-known that I love to cook. I always prepare plenty, so when suppertime rolls around, I am ready for one of my friends or the children’s to drop in and join us! Probably the most popular during the summer months are my Smoked Salmon, Cucumber Salad, Dorito Casserole and Pulled Pork BBQ with Slaw.

The garden this year has gone wild – and I mean that literally. Featured on the cover this month, both Fernando and Ron were surprised at just how much “good stuff” I was able to grow beside the pool and amongst the rose bushes! It’s a garden that my ancestors, who were farmers, would surely roll their eyes about. But, it serves the purpose, so it can’t be that bad!

My garden contains every herb you’d ever need, and I cannot tell you how much better things taste with fresh herbs. I also have various peppers, squash, lettuce, beets, carrots, cabbage, spinach, eggplant, cucumbers, corn, blackberries, strawberries and tomatoes. I have become the expert salsa maker, and each week, I make a fresh batch for almost every meal. The leftover salsa gets dumped into my bean soup that I make every Sunday.

Auntie A’s Famous and Versatile Salsa

300-salsaHere’s a little salsa that will always treat you right, whether on a chip, in a soup or used to brine a turkey overnight!

  • 6 Large tomatoes
  • 6 Medium tomatillos
  • 4 Green bell peppers
  • 1 Very large purple onion
  • 1 Jalapeño pepper
  • Handful of cilantro
  • 1/3 Cup of minced garlic
  • Handful of salt and pepper
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Avocado oil

Boil all ingredients until soft. Transfer to a blender and puree everything, being careful not to use too much of the liquid, so your salsa ends up the right consistency. Pour into mason jars and place in refrigerator once the jar is cool to touch.

Quite a few of my friends read my column, and when we started talking about this July edition, they asked me to share a recipe – part of which I’d like to keep secret so they still drop by! The salsa recipe is so versatile and can be used for everything, so here’s mine. I measure nothing. I cook like I shoot – from my heart – and when I get that “feeling,” then I know it’s right. I remember Nana cooking, and it was exactly the same – a pinch of this and a dollop of that. You’d have to watch her to understand that terminology, but that’s part of it, isn’t it? The making of great things that bring back childhood are not always measured. It happens organically and from our souls!

I hate to throw anything good away, so here’s what to do with the extra liquid from your salsa: Go back to the garden and pick a handful of fresh basil and oregano. Add that to the leftover liquid from the salsa and add to it four more large tomatoes. Add more water and boil again until the newly added veggies and herbs are soft. Once they are soft, take all of that and puree with all of the liquids in the pan. Now you have homemade Tomato Basil Soup! Top with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and a swirl of fresh, heavy cream, and there’s another meal from your garden!

This summer, I am going to try for the first time to learn to can things. I remember Nana and Granny doing this, but it seems hard. I hope not! I have more tomatoes than I know what to do with, and since I cannot imagine starting a salsa company, canning seems like the only solution to my problem. Wish me luck!

Have a wonderful month of slowing down, sipping tea and playing with your children and friends!

Take Care of YOU!
