The Village People for Reading Between the Wine’s “Night of a Thousand Laughs”: Co-Chairs Gena Horak and Patti Parish-Kaminiski with Executive Director Terri Stuart. Back row Leticia Lowe, Cee Cee Parker, Kelley Jensen, Alex Sanchez, Kim Gaulke, Roxanne Esparza, Ann Kingrey and Ranett Montemayor.
By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher
A few years ago in a pre-pandemic world, I promised Mr. Kaminski that I was going to step back from my community involvement – at least in leadership roles. Sure, I would continue to support organizations important to our family and our community, serve on committees, attend events, make certain I shared vital non-profit news in our publications – not completely disappear mind you, simply not be at the forefront leading the charge. And I kept my word. I was able to spend more time with Mr. Kaminski as per his request, which still perplexes me at times. Many of y’all have met me, so you know where I’m coming from with that as my ultimate goal in life is to be both thin and pleasant. A girl can dream. But then, our world, our community, our businesses, our family changed in one hot minute because of something unforeseen: the pandemic.
Life slowed down, sped up, slowed down again and then got really hectic. Our community – our neighbors – were struggling as much as we were, and we all needed a little more help. And frankly, it took – and still takes us all – to make things happen, because it is harder now to get anything accomplished. I don’t know why that is; I simply know that it is.
Organizations began reaching out to me, and I helped when I could, but I stuck to my guns on leadership roles. To say that I had my hands full trying to run a business in a down economy, manage two babies in college in social isolation, support Mr. Kaminski working 80 hour weeks, keep Mother isolated and healthy really wasn’t an understatement, it’s just what everyone was dealing with. I wasn’t special. This was and honestly is our new normal.
But does that mean we throw the babies out with the bath water when it comes to volunteerism because our lives have changed so dramatically? It absolutely cannot and does not. So here I am, out of retirement when it comes to chairing non-profit events for our community. I kind of feel like Elton John – one last victory lap and then I’m done, really. And I’ve twisted some arms of some dear friends and amazing men and women – mostly women, of course – to help me, because life is still hard for so many, and it’s really hard to raise money. These women have stepped up because community matters, and if we don’t take the initiative to make our community the best it can possibly be, who will?
On March 25th I’m co-chairing Reading Between the Wines benefiting The Literacy Council of Fort Bend County. Does adult literacy make a difference in our community – does it really matter? You bet it does – in a big way. You would be surprised at how many graduates from the literacy program then volunteer in our community in so many different roles not to mention become productive members of our workforce, which we desperately need. My partner in crime, or co-chair, is the amazing Gena Horak, a dedicated volunteer in our community. And she, along with all of our other committee members, have done an outstanding job working tirelessly to put this “Night of a Thousand Laughs” together with Emmy-Award winning actress Vicki Lawrence.
Tables and tickets are still available by contacting Alexandra Sanchez at or calling 281.240.8181. If you’re looking for a fun evening with a little much-needed levity, this is your gig. And I’ve promised Mr. Kaminski, this is it, this is the last event I’ll chair, I’m retiring – again – so this is my swan song – really.
Perhaps the only thing Hillary Rodham Clinton ever said that I agreed with is, “It takes a village.” It’s taken us all to create this amazing evening on March 25th – and it will continue to take us all to get our community organizations back to where they need to be. Let’s be a village Fort Bend, and do it – together. See y’all next week – on the porch!
Patti Parish-Kaminski
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