Wilma Shaw, founder and CEO of Perfectly Wrapped Ministry Inc., along with Mya Carroll, CEO and founder of Phoenix Women’s Outreach Inc., and Casondra Brown, CEO of Conquering the Obstacles of Painful Experiences Incorporated (C.O.P.E.), have joined to present #ISurvived…I Win, a special panel discussion to educate the public on sexual abuse, rape, domestic violence and the resources available. The discussion takes place June 11th from noon to 3 pm at 7900 West Fuqua in Missouri City.
The panel will consist of mental health professionals to discuss the many resources available to assist those who seek counseling or therapy, as well as the effects of trauma from abuse as it relates to mental health issues. Survivors will educate the public on their journey as victims and the effects it had on their individual lives. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions to panelists on these subject matters.
To learn more, contact Wilma Shaw at perfectlywrappedministry@yahoo.com or visit www.perfectlywrapped.org.