Hope For Three is Roundin’ Up Fort Bend Friends and Neighbors Saddle Up for Autism

Anne Marie Buckle, a young woman with autism, Presenting Sponsor John and Lisa Daugherty, Daugherty Insurance, Darla Farmer, Hope For Three Executive Director and Erin Buckle prepare to Saddle Up for Autism.

Hope For Three Autism Advocates Seventh Annual Luncheon, presented by Daugherty Insurance, is set for February 8th at Safari Texas Ranch, located in Richmond. Friends and neighbors can join for a casual mix and mingle in their western wear with a cowboy’s appetite lunch served at 11:30 am. Wranglers have the honor of hearing from several dad’s on the many challenges and rewards of living with an autism spectrum disorder.

Since 2011, Hope For Three has provided help and created hope to local autism families. Today, autism is the leading developmental disability in the United States with one in 68 children and one in 45 school-age children affected. The average lifetime cost of care for one person with autism can extend up to $2.4 million dollars.

Autism is not going away, nor is the need for crucial therapies and supports for children living with this life-long disorder.  Friends and neighbors are invited to join the H43 posse as a guest, volunteer, underwriter or table sponsor. Simply meander on over to hopeforthree.org or call 281-245-0640 to learn more about this exciting and informative jamboree. Individual tickets for $50 also available.

Submit newsworthy items to Patti@absolutelyfocusmedia.com