Grit and Grace

What every girl wants for her birthday: 88 ounces of Mimosas at her fingertips. No BS. Simple, effective, convenient.

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher

I turned 56 years young this week, and one thing has become crystal clear to me:  At this juncture in my life, I am completely incapable of bullshit.  My tolerance for foolishness, insincerity, disloyalty and just plain idleness is non-existent.  The older I get, the simpler I become.  Not in fashion, of course – don’t get it twisted – but definitely in attitude.

Now I know this might sound a bit harsh, but I must confess, it’s been a liberating mindset that began over the course of the past year – and what a difference a year has made!  Last October was extremely difficult.  I was sick for an entire month with the dreaded Rona.  Much of that month was a blur to me and frankly still is.  It was my “55 and still alive” attitude that kept me going, and drugs – lots of drugs.  I didn’t write about my struggles over the last part of 2020.  I just sucked it up and got through it as any Southern woman would do.

For nearly a month I had a go-bag packed with explicit instructions for Mr. Kaminski in case I finally succumbed and had to go to the hospital.  I fought that cause like a heavy-weight champ.  After all, it was the pandemic, and I had eaten my way through the isolation and binge tv watching like a pro so I had the LBs to back up my position.  I didn’t necessarily have the oxygen to support my stand, but I had the weight.

I had many epiphanies during my COVID-hazed days.  Mr. Kaminski mistakenly referred to them hallucinations – out loud, once.  I, however, am convinced they were insightful and divine moments of intuitive understanding. And after explaining this to him in-depth with copious notes available for review, Mr. Kaminski quickly changed his definition of my life-changing affirmations and came around to my way of thinking.

For Christmas 2020, Lisa Ann got the Rona, and I spent days caring for her.  I felt I was bullet proof at that point, so my goal was to keep her alive.  Her gift to me that year was telling.  It was a book called Grit and Grace.  She inscribed it, “To Patti, A true example of grit and grace.”  I’ve often read excerpts from that book over the past few months, and in hindsight, it has contributed to my mindset.  Now I’ve not seen the word “bullshit” in the book, but I’m pretty sure it’s implied, and my intolerance of it has surely been solidified in those pages. Getting through those tough times, having take-aways from them that make you a better person and marching forward like a boss through the quagmire of bullshit to victory – yea, that’s called grit and grace.

See y’all next week – on the porch!

Patti Parish-Kaminski

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