July 2016 – Exclamation Points!

Kolton and Kassidi Kaminski.

Kolton and Kassidi Kaminski.

Freedom, Family and Food

The July 4th holiday always reminds me of three things: freedom, family, and of course, food!

In today’s constant multi-media society, we are reminded on a daily basis what freedom means, and fortunately, we see what it means to live in the greatest country in the world. Personally, I am thankful for that reminder, however disturbing and poignant it may be at times. Freedom isn’t something that we as Americans should ever take for granted because freedom is precious, and it certainly isn’t free. As we look forward to celebrating our nation’s 240th birthday this year, I am reminded of what the great statesman Ronald Reagan said. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Freedom is about family as our ancestors secured the future for us, just as we strive to do for our children, which is why I suppose I always think of family during this special holiday. In our community, we are fortunate to have so many amazing family friendly events to enjoy. Read about what our community has to offer from fireworks to 5K’s starting on page 18. On Sunday, July 3rd, Sugar Creek Baptist Church is hosting a God and Country Day Ceremony honoring our veterans, including Korean War veteran Tom Stuart, who has lived in Sugar Land for 40 years.  He will be there in uniform representing our country.

Finally, no July 4th celebration is complete without great food, and we’ve got you covered. Two of my favorite chefs Ron Brandani and Fernando Echeverria have brought you their favorite grilling recipes to help you celebrate in style.

Great food, great friends, great family.  Happy July 4th Fort Bend friends, and God Bless America!

Stay focused,
