Vedant Balaji, a 5th grade student at Sullivan Elementary, and Jason Nguyen, a 7th grade student at Crockett Middle School, were named champions of this year’s Fort Bend ISD Spelling Bee. John Butler, an 8th grade student at Thornton Middle School, was named this year’s alternate.
Vedant Balaji, a 5th grade student at Sullivan Elementary, and Jason Nguyen, a 7th grade student at Crockett Middle School, were named champions of this year’s Fort Bend ISD Spelling Bee.
They will represent the district at the 2024 Scripps Regional Spelling Bee, hosted by Houston Community College, on Saturday, March 23rd. John Butler, an 8th grade student at Thornton Middle School, was named alternate.
The Scripps National Spelling Bee is administered by The E. W. Scripps Company, a nonprofit organization based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Student competitors from across the United States and more than a dozen nations compete to represent their region at the National Bee. The National Spelling Bee was established in 1925 by a group of newspapers, and for more than 50 years, Merriam-Webster Unabridged has served as the official dictionary of the Bee. Visit to learn more.