Shake a Shimmy at the Shindig with Auxiliary President Nappinnai Natarajan, Secondary District Teacher of the Year Lorelei Thorp, Superintendent Dr. Charles Dupre, Auxiliary Vice President Tina Hood and Elementary District Teacher of the Year Laci Tonnesen.
Enjoy a sweet time with the Fort Bend Education Foundation at the 5th Anniversary Sugar Shindig presented by Pogue Construction on Friday, October 25th at 6:30 pm. Shimmy over to Safari Texas for a casual evening of fun and frolic to raise funds for the teachers and schools of Fort Bend ISD.
The evening includes a fajita dinner, a dessert auction and dancing to the music of Password. This is camaraderie at its finest as staff from our schools and community members vie for the best cakes made by local bakers. The event is hosted by the Angels of Education Auxiliary, whose mission is to create community awareness for the Foundation’s Grants to Teachers and Schools programs. Have your cake and eat it too at this shindig! To purchase tickets, adults only are $27 per person, or to make a donation, visit