February 2018 – Exclamation Points!

Valentine Weirdos: Patti and Tim Kaminski.

Weird Love 

I love Valentine’s Day and always have. I remember the heart-shaped box of chocolates my mother would give me when I was a little girl that had a doll attached to the front. While most kids would have eaten the chocolates, I just wanted the doll, and I kept and collected many over the years. It was the best. And now as a mother myself, I always do Valentine’s Day up big for my babies. Stuffed animals, chocolates, love notes, books, flowers. Well, not so much flowers for Kolton. Yes, I know I am setting their future significant others up for huge expectations, but I don’t care – I just love Valentine’s Day!

If you need some help this Valentine’s Day finding that perfect something for your sweetheart, this issue is packed with ideas from gestures, gifts, recipes, and of course, love stories. Meet five lovely Fort Bend couples who share their insights into love, marriage and best of all, fitness. I guess those who exercise together, stay together – and stay together longer!

I admit, my love of Cupid’s holiday might sound strange, weird even. In his collection of love stories entitled True Love, Robert Fulghum said, “We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness – and call it love – true love.”

Happy Valentine’s Day Fort Bend! Here’s wishing you weird love!

Stay focused,
