FBJSL Supports Kids and Art Culture

Monique Brown, FBJSL President Heather Allen, Art League of Fort Bend President Brenda Bowman, Art League of Fort Bend Development Director Linda Nicodemus, Dr. Jennifer Small and Lori Gier.

The Fort Bend Junior Service League (FBJSL) continues to make a difference within the Fort Bend community through its Community Assistance Fund. The Fund can provide grants of up to $5,000 per League year, per agency, to local Fort Bend non-profits that need financial support to fund a critical need, pilot a program or expand a significant service to the community.

FBJSL is pleased to have recently supported through the Community Assistance Fund two worthy Fort Bend non-profit agencies. The first award was to Undies For Everyone (UFE) in the amount of $3,000 to provide undergarments to over 400 children. UFE coordinates with various Fort Bend agencies who assist underserved children to outfit each child with 7 days of undergarments building self-esteem and confidence. Visit www.undiesforeveryone.org to learn more about Undies For Everyone.

The second award was to the Art League of Fort Bend (ALFB) in the amount of $2,000 for use towards updating the Gallery lighting. ALFB is a multi-arts facility managed by volunteer members of the Art League of Fort Bend.  It functions as a shared space for artists and art enthusiasts to create, display and experience art through shows, exhibits and learning opportunities.   To learn more about the Art League of Fort Bend, please visit their website at https://artleaguefortbend.org.

Non-profit agencies interested in applying can visit the request our support page of the FBJSL at www.fbjsl.org.