Alisa Murray and her daddy, the late Dr. David Evans.
By Alisa Murray –
I don’t know why, but it always seems like Father’s Day gets a little less pomp and circumstance than that for Mother’s Day. But of course, dads are just as important to our lives and deserve a big celebration. Perhaps it’s because so many of them are quietly providing and don’t really require as much “stuff!”
The late Jerry T. Murray
with his son Brian Murray.
Spending time together is always a great way to show dad love and appreciation. Time is where we create memories and through our actions show what we value most. Another suggestion is thoughtfully trying to be helpful with some tasks on his “honey do” list, and there also buying something that dad would love but would never purchase for himself.
As we celebrate Father’s Day this year, here are a few suggestions to help make dad’s day extra special.
Create a menu featuring dad’s favorites, and spend an afternoon filled with things he likes to do. This could be doing something as simple as watching a movie, playing music together or simply just sharing memories of years gone by.
If he’s a “doer” – someone who appreciates accomplishing something each day and would not enjoy sitting around and walking down memory lane – ask dad what projects he wants to tackle and volunteer your time to helping him get it accomplished. I know that if my children would offer to spend their weekend pulling weeds and planting seeds, I would be the happiest mother in the world!
If dad’s into a sport or hobby, put together a box filled with his favs – a subscription to his favorite golf magazine, the latest gadget for his grilling, a cool new upgrade for his tractor or truck – essentially something that he would love but wouldn’t necessarily buy for himself.
Many of us are itching to travel, and prices are very good right now with travel dates being flexible well into next year. Purchasing a trip that dad would enjoy is always an amazing gift – something that he can look forward to and enjoy.
When you were young, Father’s Day likely featured handcrafted treasures – that pot holder with your hand print stamped on it, that pottery bowl with your initials carved in it. As an adult, why not create something especially for dad? Maybe you have him pose for a portrait and make a picture frame? Or create a painting of his dog or cat? Maybe you set up a small and manageable garden for him to tend to and enjoy?
There are so many ways we can celebrate dad on his special day that doesn’t involve take out and a tie. Think about what he loves, and let your heart guide you to creating a lovely day that creates a memory to last a lifetime.