Drowning in designer handbags, donuts and wine – I’m a happy girl! Don’t miss Donuts & Designers benefitting OakBend Medical Center on June 10th. Get your tickets today at http://www.oakbendmedcenter.org/donuts-and-designers/.
By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher
Julie Andrews sang that, “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens” were a couple of her favorite things. I like roses. I’m allergic to cats, so there’s that, but I’m not hating on the girl for those being her favs. We all have our favs. Just the other day, a brilliant invitation came across my desk that caught my eye as it mentioned two of my favs, and when I say favs, I really mean obsessions: donuts and designer handbags.
My love affair with donuts goes way back. It’s documented. Donuts are actually one of the four food groups I consume on a regular basis. My four basic food groups are simple: diet coke, wine, salt and donuts. A girl really doesn’t need to consume much more than that on a regular basis.
In high school, Shipley’s was my go-to. There was one close to my school, and we were pals. That love affair continues to this day. When I was pregnant, I would go through the drive thru – in lieu of actually getting out of the car and waddling in lest someone see me and try to shame me – good luck with that! I would procure a half a dozen glazed goodies and eat them, every one. But remember, I was eating for two, so I really only ate three. The baby ate the other three.
I am a bonafide donut connoisseur. Dunkin’ and Krispy Kreme really don’t do much for me, though I will partake in a pinch. Shipley’s and Southern Maid are my jam, and the Snowflake Donut shops in rural Texas, they know what they’re doing. New Orleans beignets are the bomb, and grocery store donuts? Just keep on walking. They are not worth the calories. Any donut with bacon or chocolate is worth the risk, and if you stumble upon a shop that gives you a bag of free donut holes with purchase, that’s my kind of shop. A gift with purchase – or “gwp” – always works for this girl.
My other “issue,” as Mr. Kaminski delicately calls it, is designer handbags. I really don’t know why he thinks it’s an issue. I’ve never said his 20 pair of cowboy boots is an issue, or his 12 speakers or his multiple electronic gadgets that do the same – dang – thing! Nope, never said it. Might have thought it; never said it.
My handbags serve multiple purposes, and they are beyond fabulous. They come in fascinating shapes and colors, and frankly, I wear them well. Most of all, they make me happy – really happy. And I change them out frequently. It’s a thing. And I may or may not have converted my home office into an accessory closet, which is a much more efficient use of the space, but who’s to judge?
So, back to the phenomenally fabulous invitation that crossed my desk this week. It was for a brand new event featuring . . . you guessed it: donuts and designer handbags! I’m not kidding! It’s a thing, and it’s happening in June!
Gurecky Manufacturing Services – yes, that’s Mr. Kaminski’s cousin, and we adore them – is presenting OakBend’s Donuts & Designers that is basically a bingo game where ladies win designer handbags while eating donuts and drinking wine! I mean seriously – is this not the most fabulous idea for a fundraiser ever?!?
Not only does this event combine all of my favorite things, it’s for an amazing cause: our community hospital. Donuts & Designers is June 10th at Braman Winery & Brewery in Richmond, and tables for 4, 6 and 8 are available. Wine will be paired with mini donuts and appetizers while 10 bingo games will be played throughout the evening with fabulous designer handbags as the prize for each round.
I know – you’re thinking I either made this up, or it’s my birthday, right?!? Neither – promise, but doesn’t this sound like the most fun ever?!? Get your tickets girls at www.oakbendmedcenter.org/donuts-and-designers.
See y’all next week – on the porch!
Patti Parish-Kaminski
Follow Patti Parish-Kaminski on Facebook at facebook.com/patti.parishkaminski and on Instagram at instagram.com/ontheporchwithpatti/.