Dhanani Private Equity Group: Primed for Continued Growth and Success

Team DPEG in their new corporate headquarters at The Fountains on the Lake Shopping Center in Stafford, the company’s largest trophy acquisition with a $91 million purchase price.

FOCUS COVER STORY | By Patti Parish-Kaminski   |  Photos by Kelley Sweet Photography –

Achieving significant milestones and making a distinctive mark in real estate development and private equity is nothing new for Dhanani Private Equity Group (DPEG).  It’s something that founder and Chief Executive Officer Nadyrshah “Nick” Dhanani has been doing since he founded the company 12 years ago with a single investor: his sister.  And while growth is – and continues to be the common theme – for DPEG evident in their investors, team and achievements, this CEO has made it a priority to continue growing their investor base through transparency, their track record and building an inclusive and diverse team, all while giving back to the community.

Significant Investor Partner Growth

With investors in over 20 states and three provinces in Canada, the geographic growth of DPEG’s investors outside of Texas has been significant.  And the company’s strategy for investor outreach?  Success in their real estate projects, over and over again.

“DPEG’s exit of Territory at Greenhouse apartments provided investors with a 30% internal rate of return (IRR),” said Ahsan Daredia, DPEG Principal of Investor Relations and Marketing. “The second was the purchase of the Fountains shopping center in which we have 218 unique investors across 15 different states. The irony is investors from all over the United States and Canada have engaged us instead of us reaching out to them. Our success is coded in our decade-long track record, and through word of mouth, we have grown to nearly 1,900 investor partners.”

While many of DPEG’s investor partners are male, that is changing due to Nick Dhanani.  The first female on DPEG’s leadership team with a MBA in Finance, Narmeen Nazneen, Principal Design, has seen DPEG’s commitment to educating and empowering women investors firsthand.

“When DPEG first began launching projects, our investor base was all male – not a woman in sight!” shared Nazneen.  “Nick personally educated anyone and everyone that was genuinely interested in learning about financial growth, and that included the daughters, wives and sisters of our male investor base.  He not only took the time to raise that awareness, he also empowered them to see how as successful, modern American and financially independent women, they could take their growth to the next level.”

Inclusive Leadership Team

Lucy Singh, Nick Dhanani and Narmeen Nazneen with DPEG team members Rahila Sultanali, Anisa Shariff, Mary Escobar, Aisha Imran and Zeba Jam.

With an ever-growing base of female investor partners, DPEG’s female leadership team has also grown.  Joining Nazneen on DPEG’s leadership team is Chief Operating Officer (COO) Lucy Singh.  Nick recognized the talent and experience that Singh could bring to DPEG with her diverse skills in technology, management and operations working with Fortune 500 companies for over 20 years.

“Lucy’s foresight and ideas implementing software and technology have been instrumental in streamlining our in-house processes,” said Nick Dhanani of DPEG’s new COO who also heads up the Development Division with plans for expansive growth on the horizon.

“I am proud to lead the development efforts at DPEG, with over 3,000 multifamily units in our pipeline. Our brand for multifamily homes, Territory, has quickly become synonymous with our residential pursuits,” said Singh.  “From our first major project, Territory at Greenhouse, to seven upcoming apartment complexes, a senior condo development and a build-for-rent community, we’re expanding our portfolio to create exceptional living experiences.”

Another new addition to DPEG’s team is Faiz Hirani.  Hirani brings a strong finance background and experience at Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs, along with a BBA in Finance having graduated with highest honors from The University of Texas at Austin.  Faiz is currently leading underwriting new acquisitions, dispositions and debt financing at DPEG.

Goals for Continued Growth

DPEG Principals Aaryan Dhanani, Ali Wadhwani, Nikhil Dhanani, Faiz Hirani, Narmeen Nazeen, Ahsan Daredia and Lucy Singh with CEO Nick Dhanani. (Not pictured Junior Dhanani.)

Expansion and achieving goals are ingrained in the DPEG philosophy.  In 2022, the company celebrated a monumental achievement by surpassing the billion-dollar mark in transactions and     assets under management, and according to DPEG President Nikhil Dhanani, they have no plans of slowing down. Their goal for 2023 is to achieve $500 million in projects, a goal that DPEG is on track to accomplish.

“Looking ahead to 2023, our focus remains steadfast on continued growth and success. To achieve our ambitious goal, we have strategically planned a series of new acquisitions and projects that align with our vision and complement our existing portfolio,” said Nikhil Dhanani.  “With a remarkable 50% year-on-year growth, we are proud to share that by the end of June 2023, we transacted $230 million, putting us on track to finish the year with a projected $1.5 billion. Our strong dedication, strategic approach and incredible team are well-positioned to seize opportunities and exceed expectations in the coming year even with the current market conditions.”

Several of DPEG’s upcoming projects that will help them achieve their goal for the year are close to home.  The company plans to break ground on a 282 Class A+ unit multifamily project in Missouri City and a 318 Class A+ unit in Katy.  Additionally, the 2022 investment of the 90+ acre tract DPEG acquired in Imperial in Sugar Land is on track for success.

“We thrive on turning challenges into opportunities,” said Ali Wadhawani, DPEG Chief Financial Officer, about the Imperial project.  “Selling parcels of land in the tract we acquired in Imperial last year, even in today’s challenging market, is a clear reflection of our commitment and strategic approach. Despite the previous owners’ struggles to transform the land, we have successfully unlocked its potential. By the end of 2023, we aim to provide our investors in Imperial with a majority return on their investment.”

Vested in Fort Bend

Managing Associate Aaryan Dhanani with CEO, mentor and dad Nick Dhanani.

Another example of DPEG’s success is The Fountains on the Lake Shopping Center in Stafford, which is not only the largest trophy acquisition in the company’s history with a $91 million purchase price, it is now their corporate headquarters.  The company hosted a grand celebration in April at their new home for over 400 investor partners and distributed $7,316,500.  With the Stafford project, DPEG promised a cash-on-cash distribution and physical 10% payout to their investors annually, leaving 3% for special distribution, which they have successfully delivered for the last five quarters.

Plans are to continue regular distribution events to build synergy for team DPEG. “We are committed to hosting distribution events every quarter where we can bring our valued investors together creating meaningful connections and fostering a strong sense of partnership with our investors,” said Nick Dhanani.

While being a good partner to their investors is at the forefront of DPEG’s philosophy, being a good partner to the community is equally is important.  In 2019, The DPEG Foundation was formed to give back to non-profit organizations meaningful to both the company and their investor partners.  “We believe in giving back,” said Nick Dhanani.  “This is our focus in launching our foundation – to make a difference in many people’s lives.”

In 2022, The DPEG Foundation awarded $35,000 to five organizations at the company’s Holiday Gala, and the spirit of giving is something that Nick has passed on to his son, Aaryan.

“I firmly believe in the power of giving back to our community,” said Aaryan Dhanani, DPEG Managing Associate.  “We have been privileged to contribute and support local charities, and I am particularly honored to have been involved in raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We are proud to see the contributions we have raised are going towards research, therapies and drug manufacturing for those who need alleviation. I hope to inspire others in our community to join hands and continue the spirit of generosity.”

Inspiration, industry innovation and team dedication – all describe DPEG’s philosophy and success.  And it all began with a humble man from humble beginnings whose goal is to help as many people as possible “build their wealth and their futures.”  As Nick Dhanani says, “Making money is the easiest thing to do.  Preserving it and growing it as wealth is the most difficult part, and that is what we are good at.”

For more information about Dhanani Private Equity Group, visit dhananipeg.com or call 281.561.5135.

Expanding the Brand: DPEG Construction & DPEG Insurance

With the success and vast experience of Dhanani Private Equity Group (DPEG) in developing shopping centers, convenience stores and multiple real estate ventures, expansion in the construction arena was a logical step for the company.  In 2022, DPEG Construction was launched as an in-house construction group.  “Bringing all real estate services in-house made it easier for us to streamline our process,” said Nikhil Dhanani.

DPEG Construction has completed multiple projects, including DPEG’s new corporate headquarters in Stafford, a child care center, banquet hall, tenant improvement projects for DPEG properties and multiple shopping centers.  DPEG Construction recently completed their second Golden Chick restaurant on the Sam Houston Tollway and Antoine Drive.

The corporation also recently launched DPEG Insurance, which provides several types of insurance, including General Liability, Commercial, Auto, Home and Renters.  Led by Ahmed al Zadjali, the goal with DPEG Insurance is “to make insurance easily accessible and affordable for everyone.”

In a time of unprecedented increases in the insurance industry, DPEG Insurance strives to make a difference.  “We aim to set ourselves apart by putting customer needs at the forefront and delivering personalized solutions that make a difference,” said Ahmed.  “With our unwavering commitment to excellence and a forward-thinking mindset, we strive to create an insurance experience that goes beyond expectations, providing peace of mind and security in an ever-evolving world.”

For more information about DPEG Construction and DPEG Insurance, visit www.dhananipeg.com.