December 2021 – Exclamation Points!

Celebrating 15 years of progress: Jimmy and Ann Cantu and Patti and Tim Kaminski celebrate Pier 36’s 15-year anniversary of doing business in the Bend. Congratulations Jimmy and Ann!

Out with the Old – In with the New – 

It’s definitely the most wonderful time of the year, and for the first time in a long time, it truly feels like that.  As our community and our world strives to get back to normal, I see that we are making great progress. That’s what keeps me as a business owner, community servant, mother and wife hopeful – progress.

While we are making great strides in so many areas of our community, here at absolutely! focus media we are still facing challenges. As you have likely noticed, the paper that we have been printing on for the past few months has not been reflective of the quality that our advertisers and readers are accustomed to. The supply chain issue regarding paper has hit us hard, and we have been forced to print on paper that is frankly not up to our standards. Our paper costs have increased over 40%, our printing time has increased by nearly 50% and our fulfillment costs have increased, significantly impacting delivery. Basically, we are paying much more for much less, and the quality is not in keeping with our company’s mission.

The good news is we were prepared. Over the past year, we have significantly increased our digital footprint by launching multiple campaigns to increase our website views, social media followers and our digital subscriber base.  The best news of all?  It’s working.

In 2022, we will bring you more of the people, places and happenings than ever before with our new Fort Bend Focus Ezine.  And yes, our subscriptions will remain free to our community. Simply sign up at to become a digital subscriber and follow us on Facebook @FortBendFocus.   

We will be out and about more than ever before bringing you timely community news. We remain your community magazine, and we look forward to continuing to come into your homes via your computers, tablets and cell phones much more than once a month with the news you need and want to know about Fort Bend.

From our team at absolutely! focus media, we wish you a most blessed holiday season and a safe and prosperous New Year.   

As always, stay focused my friends,
