CeeCee Parker, Tim Kaminski, the Big Man, Patti Parish-Kaminski and David Parker pre-social distancing at the Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land’s Jingle Tree.
This Christmas is indeed different. Annual holiday parties have been canceled, holiday events are virtual – if at all – and the number one stocking stuffer this year is a mask. When I look back at Christmas last year, we truly could not have anticipated such devastating changes in only 12 short months. However, even as I write this, I’m reminded of Nostradamus’ predictions for 2020:
“The great plague of the city
Will not cease until there be avenged the death
Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime,
Of the great lady outraged by pretense.
Brothers and sisters captive in diverse places”
Unfortunately, this ominous prediction held true. So, what does 2021 hold for us? In my opinion, the answer is simple: hope. Ever the optimist, I’m not only hopeful, I’m extremely grateful for the lessons learned this year. They’ve been hard, but we will gain something positive from them, and we as a community and as a nation will be better for it.
My prayer for you and your family is health, happiness and hope this blessed holiday season. My gratitude to our advertisers, readers and subscribers is eternal. We have helped one another survive this monumental year, and you all have a special place in my heart.
From our team at absolutely! focus media to each and every one of you, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a bright, hopeful and positive New Year. Come on 2021!
Stay focused on the future – and keep hope alive,