Counting the Days . . .

Celebrating Mr. Kaminski’s 57th birthday. Yes, math is hard honey.

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher

I am worn slap out.  This week has done me in, and I’m not here for it.  After working at the office for five days, I just thought I was tired.  I had no idea.

Day One post real work week was a 15-hour road trip with me driving at least a third of the way.  That can’t be fair.

Day Two I thought was a bye day.  I reveled – as much as I could while being worn out – as my Longhorns finally got their offense together and crushed Texas Tech.  I then rushed to the grocery store and prepared for a happy hour, that was much longer than an hour, but indeed very happy catching up with a neighbor I hadn’t seen in months.  I got to bed late and bleary-eyed, and little did I know, I had missed National Daughter’s Day.  Can’t imagine how that slipped under my radar?  I had to double-check to make certain it was really a thing.  Turns out, it is.  And Lord knows I couldn’t be that momma.  You know, the one who didn’t post about their baby girl?  I would totally get discussed about that, not to mention it would quite possibly hurt the precious one’s feelings, and that’s not happening on my watch.

So, Day Three I quickly gathered my scattered wits – a day late – combed through photos and posted about my brilliant, gorgeous baby girl all while franticly preparing for the next day’s events – Mr. Kaminski’s birthday.

Day Four I embarked on a full day of events themed “Celebrate Mr. Kaminski” beginning at the crack of dawn and lasting until well after midnight.  It was a full day, and he loved every minute of it from what I can recall in my sleep-deprived state.  Let’s just say the evening ended in the hot tub, and yes, it is possible to fall asleep in a hot tub with a glass of wine in your hand.

Of course, the most intriguing aspect of Mr. Kaminski’s birthday celebration was a Facebook post.  It seems that Mr. Kaminski believed that we were celebrating his 58th birthday.  It was not.  It seems that he felt obligated to share his numerical nemesis with his Facebook friends because clearly, he was feeling a certain kind of way about it.  I read his revelation, shook my head and went in search of back up because I knew it would be required. Interestingly enough, several relatives – who should know the real, real – commented on his post and none of them realized that his celebratory calculation was indeed inaccurate.  I very calmly and gently sat down next to him with a calculator and did the math – twice.  Eureka!  Simple math proved to him it was actually his 57th birthday!  Math is hard folks, and yes, I balance our checkbooks.

Day Four I thought I was getting a bit of a rest only to discover it was National Son’s Day.  Really, who determines this stuff?  National Daughter and National Son’s Day only three days apart?  At least Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are a month apart?!?  You can at least catch your breath!  So, I did what any good momma would do and posted heartfelt sentiments about baby boy, who likely feels just the opposite that baby girl does and prays that I would forget about posting on such monumental occasions.  But nonetheless, I made it just in the nick of time to declare my everlasting love and embarrass the snot out of him.  All part of my motherly love and devotion.  You’re welcome Bub.

Day Five began with multiple early zoom meetings because I’m in an earlier time zone – and it’s Porch press day.  I sincerely don’t know how much longer this madness is going to last, but if this doesn’t make a bit of sense, I’ve likely fallen asleep.

See y’all next week – on the porch!

Patti Parish-Kaminski

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