Blanca Avila, Jennie Lidian, Terri Gill and Nicole Volek celebrating at the annual Bike to Work and Bike to School Day.
absolutely! HEALTHY LIVING –
May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling – and encourage more folks to giving biking a try.
National Bike to Work Week 2017 takes place Monday, May 15th through Friday, May 19th. Whether you bike to work or school, ride to save money or time, pump those pedals to preserve your health and the environment or simply to explore your community, National Bike Month is an opportunity to celebrate the unique power of the bicycle and the many reasons to ride.
The City of Sugar Land and Shape Up Fort Bend will celebrate National Bike Month on Friday, May 12th with the annual Bike to Work and Bike to School Day. Join residents, neighbors, friends and proud media sponsor absolutely! fit & fab for a celebratory ride to Fort Settlement Middle School and Sugar Land Town Square.
The event begins at 7:30 am with food and prizes at the South Meadow Pavilion at Sugar Land Memorial Park, located at 15300 University Boulevard, adjacent to the Pawm Springs Dog Park. At 8:15 am, all participants will ride 1.1 miles to Fort Settlement Middle School via University Boulevard. After
dropping off students, Bike to Work Day participants will continue another 6.4 miles to Sugar Land Town Square via Commonwealth, Austin Parkway and Lexington Boulevard. Participants will take a group photo at Sugar Land Town Square. This is a fully supported ride, and all riders must wear helmets.
Visit or call 713-907-5021 for more information.