Part of being prepared for going back to school is making sure your entire family is healthy. A visit to a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Ryan R. Riahi at DermSurgery Associates is the most effective way to address common conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions, hair loss and warts. Dr. Riahi also performs skin checks and can diagnose and treat skin cancer.
Parents play a crucial role in helping their children prevent skin cancer. Childhood sunburns increase an individual’s risk for developing skin cancer later in life. Dr. Riahi advises smart sun protection including sunscreen, hats and protective clothing. Yearly mole checks are essential to ensure concerning spots are caught early and treated.
Acne is a common issue that can adversely affect an individual’s self-esteem. It can range from mild to severe, potentially resulting in permanent scars. Get control of acne to help ease the transition back to school. Dr. Riahi has extensive experience in successfully treating acne, and has before and after photos available online.
Dry skin or eczema affects many people. As a skin expert, Dr. Riahi takes great pleasure in providing patients a comprehensive treatment plan to treat and prevent future issues.
Your skin is your first impression. Dr. Riahi and his team provide a warm, welcoming environment to address all your skin needs. The office provides up to date medical and cosmetic treatments.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact DermSurgery Associates at 281-491-9278. For before and after photos, as well as a list of services, visit or Facebook and Instagram @ryanriahimd.