Boys CAN sing and have been successfully amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fort Bend Boys Choir of Texas is the only children’s choral group meeting in person in the Greater Houston area, and they have been doing it since August 2020. In fact, they also performed a public holiday concert for a socially distanced crowd back in December, complete with masks and temperature checks!
Several research studies from a number of universities including Florida Atlantic University and the University of Bristol in England show that singing together as a group can be safe and possible when maintaining social distance and wearing a mask. Armed with a long list of safety protocols and following CDC guidelines, the Fort Bend Boys Choir’s rehearsals look different with masks worn at all times, touchless temperature checks upon entry with the application of hand sanitizer, followed by hand washing. Six feet of social distance surrounds each choirboy, front to back and side to side, in a large ventilated room, and half-way through rehearsal, choirboys take a break for room air circulation. Afterward, the chairs and other surfaces are sanitized to maintain a clean environment for the next rehearsal.
The Fort Bend Boys Choir is hopeful for a full membership this coming fall 2021 season. “With more adults being vaccinated and the probability of vaccine approval for children very soon, it is time for children to return to activities. We look forward to having more of our membership return while we continue to audition for new members,” said William R. Adams, Founder and Artistic Director.
Some restrictions have changed or lifted, but the Fort Bend Boys Choir continues to follow safety protocols. “While the State of Texas lifted its mask mandate, we continue to wear masks for the safety of our choirboys and music staff. In addition, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control both have reduced social distancing for children from six to three feet. We continue to uphold the six feet during rehearsals and performances as an added layer of safety,” said Tiana Mortimer, Executive Director. “We want our choir parents and boys to feel safe.”
During this time, auditions are ongoing. If you know of a boy who will be at least eight years of age or in the third grade for the fall 2021 semester, he is eligible to audition for the Fort Bend Boys Choir’s milestone 40th Anniversary Season! Choristers learn many life lessons including responsibility, leadership, etiquette, citizenship and confidence. Visit and fill out an online form to request an audition appointment, or call 281-240-3800 for more information.