Clearly up to no good, Patti Parish-Kaminski and Lisa Fredrickson were admonished to the dungeon at the 290 Wine Castle. Gotta love Spring Shenanigans!
Spring Shenanigans –
It’s finally here – Spring! But, as we all know, it’s Spring in Texas, so don’t put up your jackets just yet. The weather here changes as often as my mood according to Mr. Kaminski. Yes, I do my part to keep him on his toes.
With the gorgeous weather and COVID restrictions finally loosening up, Spring is the perfect time for some road trip adventures, or as I say, some Spring Shenanigans. In this issue, Denman talks about the “290 Texas Wine Trail” through the Hill Country on page 14. I recently had the chance to visit two wineries on the “Texas Wine Trail”: William Chris in Hye and the 290 Wine Castle in Johnson City. Friends Mike and Monique Chase are the proprietors of the 290 Wine Castle Chateau de Chasse, and their castle is a must see. There’s a dungeon, a cell, roof top turrets lavishly furnished – every experience you need to be queen for the day including amazing wines. I must say, I agree with Denman. The trip out to our own wine country is definitely a worthwhile visit, and many of the wineries, such as William Chris, have gorgeous outdoor grounds for guests to enjoy.
290 Wine Castle owner Monique Chase really did give me the key to the castle!
Another reason to celebrate this Spring is the 10th birthday of an amazing Fort Bend organization. Hope For Three celebrates 10 years of autism awareness and support to children in the autism community. In the past 10 years, Hope For Three has assisted more than 6,000 family members in the autism community and awarded over $1,150,000 in financial assistance. Read about this amazing organization in our cover story on page 10.
Easter blessings to all of our Fort Bend friends. Hope to see you out and about this Spring – safely, of course!
Stay focused,