Patti and Kolton Kaminski – mask-wearing ready for UT football season – hopefully! Thank you Claire Brandani for hooking us up!
We’re Back!
Well, not at 100%, but we’re back as much as we can be right now given our worldwide situation. As with so many businesses, the COVID-19 crisis hit us hard. We did not publish May books, and we closed completely for a few weeks. But the one thing that I have learned after living in Fort Bend for over 25 years and marrying a native of Fort Bend, our community sticks together through thick and thin. We are Fort Bend Strong!
And our strength is evident now more than ever. We celebrate our community and their resilient efforts in Thriving Through the Corona Crisis on page 16. It’s inspiring to see how our community has shown up to help one another. From law enforcement to food banks to our school districts – and especially the individuals I affectionately and reverently refer to as “healthcare heroes,” – everyone has gone above and beyond to help each other.
I truly believe we have the best of the best in Fort Bend, and that is so evident in our healthcare. Our hospitals in Fort Bend are some of the finest in the world, and now more than ever, they are taking care of us along with taking the necessary precautions to protect both patients and staff. Yes, we have our temperatures taken upon entry, and yes, we have in-car check-ins, and yes, we wear masks – and you know what? It’s working! COVID-19 cases are on the decline in Fort Bend, our hospitals are safe and most importantly, our emergency rooms are safe.
Our cover story highlights seven important areas of medical care that you might have put on hold for the past few months. Memorial Hermann Sugar Land introduces us to seven physicians dedicated to helping patients live a healthier, happier life. Read about these amazing healthcare heroes on page 8.
Kaminski household quarantine essentials.
While we haven’t been able to publish in print for a few weeks, we have continued to publish online with our new weekly digital magazine The Corona Chronicles. Developed to specifically address the situation in Fort Bend, this project has literally helped me maintain my sanity. Well, that’s surely a debatable topic. At a time when we could not do so much, reaching out to our community with timely and relevant information was something we could do – so we did. We sincerely appreciate the amazing reception we have received from our friends and neighbors, and we plan on continuing this publication. If you’re not receiving The Corona Chronicles, please go to and sign up – it’s free. And past issues are also available on the website as well.
It’s so good to be back-ish right now. Our world does look a little different, but I’m enjoying the view. Take care my friends, stay well and as always, stay focused!